Four Tips to Maintain Your Gas Fireplace
Ready to enjoy your gas fireplace? Following these simple tips will help keep it clean and functioning properly.
1. Once you’re comfortable with the routine maintenance, consider professional care at least once a year from Atlantic Plumbing Services to stay safe and avoid potential fire hazards.
Gas fireplaces are relatively easy to care for, as long as you take some basic precautions. Before cleaning your fireplace, make sure that the gas is turned off.
2. Regularly check your fireplace’s exhaust fan (if present) to ensure it’s functioning properly.
3. Burners may become caked with soot and other residues from cooking over time. To remove this buildup, wash the burners with a cloth or soft-bristle brush. Note: Avoid using metal brushes, as those may damage the burner components. Be sure to follow your grill’s warranty guidelines in order to prevent voiding your warranty.
4. If your fireplace’s pilot light will be sitting idle for a few months at a time, it’s best to turn it off completely.
In need of a professional to inspect your gas fireplace? Contact Atlantic Plumbing Services for a complimentary quote.